ANGKOR WAT – The Largest Religious Monument in the World
Located in northern Cambodia and spread across more than 400 acres, Angkor Wat was originally built in dedication to Lord Vishnu by King Suryavarman II
Located in northern Cambodia and spread across more than 400 acres, Angkor Wat was originally built in dedication to Lord Vishnu by King Suryavarman II
All Forms Of The Divine Absolute, in all world mythologies, Signify An Ever-Existing Dimension And The Symbols, The Statues, Or The Pictures that we use
Maa Kaali Is A Powerful And Fearsome Form Of The Divine Mother. She is depicted with a Garland of skulls around Her Neck, and Wielding
Introduction Oṃ Bhūr Bhuvaḥ Svaḥ Tát Savitúr Váreṇ(i)yaṃ Bhárgo Devásya Dhīmahi Dhíyo Yó Naḥ Pracodáyāt – Rig Veda 3.62.10 While there are innumerable mantras in
Teaching Methodology of Sanatan Society In ancient India, the Sanatana society placed a high value on knowledge and wisdom, and the education process was seen